Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Stop whinging and be constructive

Dr Chris Lane is reported in the Dominion Post today whining about the Expressway proposal because it's not "convenient" for emergency services.

Well, there's a consultation process underway! Why doesn't he make a constructive submission on the question instead of engaging in public grandstanding?


  1. He has engaged in public grandstanding for years, on the coastal highway for example. Have yet to hear him demand the Police focus on dangerous drivers, or lobby for the WLR or a new expressway - both of course would greatly improve road safety in Kapiti.

  2. I've a decent idea for the emergency services and a 4 lane expressway along the WLR route. The expressway has access at Peka Peka, Te Moana Road, Otaihanga, goes over Mazengarb and has an interchange at Kapiti Road, goes over Raumati Road, and at Poplar Avenue it cuts a diagonal across the gorse covered, swampy northern bit of QE park, but here's the really bloody brainy bit; The Kapiti Road interchange can be shut at peak times (with electronic signs saying when) putting the locals onto the local roads. At normal traffic loads locals can use the expressway SH1 all they like and get on and off for Coastlands at Kapiti Road. At all times the firies, ambos and police can use the interchange. I'll take the credit for that one.
